



Lead by our Founding Pastors W.H. and Carole Yarbrough, CA Seniors come together once a month for food, fellowship, and worship!


At CA, we believe that our kids are the future of the church. We want to teach and equip our kids to allow them to be everything that God calls them to be. We have Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night Bible classes for all ages, a staffed nursery, and CA Kids during our Sunday Worship experience. Our service features a time of worship, fun Bible lesson, crafts, and more.

Young Adults

From singles to young married families, we all need a place to fit into the Body of Christ. At CA, connecting these groups together is important. CA Young Adults meet once a month in the Education Building for worship and a timely message.


At CA Youth, we want to build a culture of honor. Your students will find an atmosphere filled with worship, Biblical preaching, and a time to just enjoy each other. We meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CA Education Building. We also meet on Sundays at 9:30am for Bible Study. If you are a student or parent and want to get all of the details, sign up here for our text alerts.   Facebook Instagram